Monday, February 13, 2012

On the topic of abortion what would you think is more important the health of the mother or unborn child?

I'm very much against abortion, but if anything were to put the mothers life at risk. I could understand that. when it comes to health of the mother or the unborn child, both are important. but if it were there lives at risk, and she was far enough along that the baby was 5 or 6 months along I would think they would do a c-section and at least try to save them both. me never being in that situation and never knowing anyone I don't know what the Dr would do. It all depends on the situation, since all situations are different. but by all means... neither life is more important over the other. both are equally important.

(for me personally... I don't know that I could say that mine is more important.... I would ask the Dr to save us both.... or just him. Even if I was going to die...)

And to "the game" what are you gangster? do you feel macho now that you've said that you dumbassOn the topic of abortion what would you think is more important the health of the mother or unborn child?It depends on what kind of health risksOn the topic of abortion what would you think is more important the health of the mother or unborn child?
I assume you mean a medically necessary abortion. In that situation, of course the life of the mother is "more important". Although that's not exactly the words I would choose.On the topic of abortion what would you think is more important the health of the mother or unborn child?are we talking abortion for like a MEDICAL reason or just because the mother 'doesn't want to'.

if its the second one, then no.. abortion is wrong.

if there is a medical reason and the baby can absolutely not be saved and the mother can't medically hold on until the baby will be fine, then i think terminating the pregnancy is fine. a lot of people may not agree, but why lose two lives when you can only lose one.
would depend on the scenarioOn the topic of abortion what would you think is more important the health of the mother or unborn child?It is necessary when the mother's health is at risk I wouldn't say it's more important then the unborn baby if the mother can't survive the baby can't survive that's why it's necessaryOn the topic of abortion what would you think is more important the health of the mother or unborn child?
I don't think we as humans are at liberty to decide who gets to live. My friend found out she had very advanced breast cancer when she was 3 months pregnant and you cannot be treated for cancer while you're pregnant and the doctor said she would die within 2 months without treatment and that the baby would die too.. so they wanted to abort the baby and start her chemo, but she said no. She didn't feel like it was her place to decide. She left the decision up to God and He saved them both. She delivered a healthy baby girl and then began her treatment and within 3 months, the cancer was completely gone. 6 months later, she got pregnant again. It's been 6 years and the cancer has never returned.
personally if it was between me and my babys health...i would choose her health over minesOn the topic of abortion what would you think is more important the health of the mother or unborn child?
it depends on the situation. i personally would rather have my baby be healthier than me.
My baby's health is more important.
I don't know. It's up to what the mother feels. Usually in that case if the pregnancy isn't terminated, BOTH will die. So I think it should be terminated. Especially if the mother has actual children who are already born.


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