Sunday, February 26, 2012

This is a question for those who use the "health problems with the child" argument in support of abortion?

Those children you guys talk about with health problems, I'm one of them and I knew another growing up. My parents were told I'd never walk or talk, that I was blind in 1 eye... Everything that was wrong turned out to be fixable and yes I put those 2 through hell for 4 years just trying to keep me alive... but here I am now living a happy and normal life. I got that chance because instead of taking the easy way out my mom stood her ground and fought for me. She sought out the best info and the best people she could to help me (and along the way convinced several docs she was a raving lunatic and a total *****) but my point is that turning tail and running or looking for the easiest road solves nothing and that I think women who abort for this reason are selling themselves and their kids short.

Now friend Matt who also had birth-defects (some of the same ones that I did but also a few I didn't) is sadly gone now but while he was here he showed people what it means to live, he turned everything into a positive, he loved everybody and he also was a fighter and defied the expectations of the adults in our lives over and over again (they said he'd never play sports, by the time he died he had taken his little league team to regional.

Do you people seriously think kids like us have no value and should be written off and aborted before we even get a chance?This is a question for those who use the "health problems with the child" argument in support of abortion?Nobody should be 'written off' but unless you've had to make the agonizing decision to have an abortion for whatever reason, you've no grounds to judge anyone else. Nothing is ever black and white and the majority of women who choose abortion don't do so because it's an easy option.This is a question for those who use the "health problems with the child" argument in support of abortion?
I don't think that they have no value, My choice would be to abort because I don't think I could handle the struggle of taking care of a special needs child. I don't think the child would have a quality life without the proper care so why would I put him or her though that? It all depend on the degree of the health problems also.This is a question for those who use the "health problems with the child" argument in support of abortion?I think that some people can't afford the extra cost that a mentally handicapped child will cost. When a doctor says your child will be mentally handicapped but doesn't know to what extent I think it's that person or couples decision to decide if they can handle the extra responsibility and money that it will cost to take care of a child with special needs. Is it right? Maybe not, but who are you to say it's wrong just because you turned out fine? A special needs child takes FAR FAR FAR more time and money and i'm saying this because I have a brother with severe mental handicap and my mother chose to keep him but she also had to stop working while my dad works full time and struggles to make ends meet. I can't even bring my 2yr old daughter around my 14yr old brother because he's so violent.This is a question for those who use the "health problems with the child" argument in support of abortion?
I couldn't ever abort a special child. The only reason I would is if my life is at risk or rape. As bad as it sounds if my life is at risk i can still try for another or always adopt. For rape...well it would be hard to I could always do adoption but the thought of having to carry a child from an unwanted person would be hard. A normal child or special needs child they are all blessings.This is a question for those who use the "health problems with the child" argument in support of abortion?I think MOST fetuses should be aborted, healthy or otherwise.

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