Thursday, February 23, 2012

Which is more likely to contribute to bad mental health in a woman? Having children or not having children?

Say a woman arrives at her late 40s and doesn't have children. Let's presume that for various reasons, relationships didn't work out and she is single, never married. Is this likely to cause her to get depressed or bitter? On the other hand, if she chose not to have children, one would suppose there's not reason to crack up. Women with children get great satisfaction from raising them and receiving love. They also require lots of dedication.

Which status being a mother or not being a mother causes more health problems in general?Which is more likely to contribute to bad mental health in a woman? Having children or not having children?My mother became very bitter and depressed in her forties. She was married with 2 children, but she became bitter that she had wasted her life. I think she had always wanted children, but having them didn't turn out to be as satisfying as she expected it to be. Especially when her marriage went wrong. She became an alcoholic.

So I think that having children is worse for mental health. Once you have them you are stuck with them, and if they don't make you happy, what can you do. Its hard to change your life to make it happier when you are responsible for people. Its much better to regret not having kids, than to have them, then regret that decision. Its not fair on the kids. Thats why Im never having any.Which is more likely to contribute to bad mental health in a woman? Having children or not having children?
That doesn't make sense-- I am married, and don't have children. Just because you choose not to pump out kids doesn't mean that you can't be happy and in a relationship. Women don't need kids to make them feel happy, and there aren't any mental conditions that suddenly spring on a woman when her eggs run out and there's nothing to show.

You have to look at both sides. What if you are poor and hate children, then you had children? That could also cause some sadness.Which is more likely to contribute to bad mental health in a woman? Having children or not having children?Attitude to life is one of the greatest factors is how we respond to any event

Attitude rules.

Poor attitude will easily lead a person to poor mental health.

Your question has at least 3 answers

For some women, not having children may be a problem

for others having children may be a problem

for some - mental health will not be related to children or no children

If we let events control our moos so strongly we would all be mental wrecks...Which is more likely to contribute to bad mental health in a woman? Having children or not having children?
That depends on how she was raised and how much she learned to cope with pitfalls.What we learn as

we get older has a profound impact on how we are able to cope.If these tools aren't learned or given,life

becomes very hard to deal with.Few can adapt to live there lives without some interaction with others.Which is more likely to contribute to bad mental health in a woman? Having children or not having children?It depends on what the woman wants in life, and you can't generalise nor specify 'not having/having children' as a causative factor for these vague "health problems".

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