Thursday, February 16, 2012

How long is a child covered under his/her parents health insurance?

Typically, until age 19 if not a student or age 25 if a full-time student. This may not be true in every case.How long is a child covered under his/her parents health insurance?Depends on the parents' health plan offered by employer. It can exceed 18 as long as the child is a full time student and is living at home - those are key requirements. It could go to 19, 21, 23, or even 25 as was the case of my previous employer. In some cases, medical may stop at one age but vision/and or dental will stop at a different age.

You will need to check with the benefits office of the employer.How long is a child covered under his/her parents health insurance?
If your child is in college, you may want to check out health insurance programs that are written through your school. United Healthcare has a plan available at many US schools. These student injury and illness plans provide wide ranging coverage and are designed to be affordable for college students. To check if your school is participating, go to and enter your school name in the search box. Your child might also be interested in joining the American College Student Association (ACSA), a national organization for college students. They have lots of member benefits, including student health insurance. Their membership fee is affordable.How long is a child covered under his/her parents health insurance?Varies with the plan and state. You should be able to go on-line with your carrier and get the information. How long is a child covered under his/her parents health insurance?
depends on the plan but usually 18 or 21 but if you are a full time student then they will cover you until your 25. again that depends on the planHow long is a child covered under his/her parents health insurance?That varies with the specific insurance plan.How long is a child covered under his/her parents health insurance?
till 18 or living at home in collage

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