Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Child health/Pregnancy/Baby Careers/Play therapy???

Hey guys!

I really want to work with children or in pregnancy/new mums, any ideas on what kind of fields you can do? I'm thinking of nursing, childcare teacher (but not so much interested in the teaching more in helping children/women). What else can you do? Is there such a thing as a playtherapist in hostipals etc?Child health/Pregnancy/Baby Careers/Play therapy???A Child Life Specialist may be your calling. This is a fairly new career, but it is growing rapidly. CLS work in children's hospitals and prepare children for medical test and proceedures. You work with the child patient and thier siblings on occasion. When my daughter had her first heart surgery, a CLS came to speak with my other children and explain how thier younger sister would appear during recovery. She had a teddy bear w/ drain tubes I.V.s, N.G. tubes, Sat and heart monitors placed on it. She explained the purpose of all the tubes and wires then allowed the children to play with the bear. It was very helpful to have this difficult time mediated in a way that children could understand. CLS are also advocates for children. If a child is hospitalized for a long time, their hospital room becomes home and a CLS realizes this. They step in and ask for proceedures to be preformed in a seperate room so the child feels safe in the room that they must sleep in. These are just a couple of small things they do to make an ill child's experience less traumatic. Check it out; it might be what you are looking for.

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