Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Child health infection respiratory question?

Hi l

I am feeling lost and wondered if anyone had any thoughts on our sutuation...

Following too many ear infections and a constant runny nose for what seems

Like forever, and a horrid phlegmy sounding cough for ages, bronciolitis and bronchitis and more antibiotics and steroids than i like to think about my son was identified as having glue ear. We had his adenoids taken out a couple of months ago and grommits put in his ears.

He was great for 1 week ( when, incidentally, he was still on post op antibiotics) and then the nose started to run. And now the cough is also back.

Immediately after the op the anaesthetist came to see me and said thy he had a lot of infection inside and that her job keeping him calm and not coughing up gunk on the operating table was tough. She said he was really poorly and that the op had definitely been a good idea.

So now the mucus seems to be back I feel so scared. Our regular paediatrician is at a loss. The ENT doc saw him 1 week after op and said things were looking perfect.

Since it is his nose and lungs I am really worked about the ENT doc

Isn't really the person to see now is it?

I will take him back to the paediatrician but I just wondered if anyone ha any thoughts?

I hate the idea of so much infection in him long term am scared..Child health infection respiratory question?has he had an x-ray on his lungs to rule out pnumonia or TB? An ENT only deals with Ears Noses and throats maybe he needs to have his lungs checked..

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