umm, where do u get ur facts hun, and for ur info they need healthcare because they get sick.doh!Why do you think children even NEED Health Care?Where so you get your information, from comic books?
I'll have to tell my niece that. She thinks the doctors saved her from childhood Leukemia.Why do you think children even NEED Health Care?Prove that "fact" about poor families being healthier, because it goes against everything I've ever read, ever. You sound like a fundamentalist dupe who thinks "science" is a dirty word.Why do you think children even NEED Health Care?
Firstly, people have a longer life expectancy than ever before.
Secondly, where is you proof that lower income families have children that live longer?
Third, if you ever have a child, which I hope you don't, do your own experiment, and provide them no health care
Do you even have children? Do you have any idea what medicine can do? Do you know how many uninsured children die of easily curable illnesses each year? Children need health care so that they won't die from ear infections anymore!Why do you think children even NEED Health Care?
I am opposed to universal healthcare because I do not want the government controlling it.
But this is kind of a "sick" question if you're serious.
That has to be one of the most rediculous things I have ever read on Yahoo answers, even worse then the stuff about Obama being a muslim.
Just curious, why do you walk around with a helmet on your head, oh brilliant one?
It's a fact...well rather then take your word for it, being that you are clearly the authority on the subject, could you show me your evidence?
I guess this explains why people with advanced degrees are usually liberals...they write books and actually have to come up with sources.
An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Doctors are good, spread the word.
I'm surprised you can read, let alone write words in a sentence.....where do you get your facts? From the guy at the recycle center? No, not the nice one...the foul, gasey one that swears every other word and yells at you for mixing up plaastic with're not related to him are you?
One time, I'll give a completely dumb Q a decent answer.
First of all, POLIO was never 'cured'. A 'preventative' vaccine was scientifically discovered and those who got their 'shots' back in the '50s, who hadn't already contracted the disease, were virtually 100% protected.
There have been many 'cures' for a plethora of maladies discovered over the last knows how many years.
The statement about " health care REALLY worth it ??" is utterly an uneducated and hopeless view of reality.
LOLLOL I love the line We cant have our government control our health system. The rebuplicans are doing a hell of job making the people think that the government is dumb. I think my cops and fireman do a hell of a job and I believe the SAME docs would too.
Your completely ridiculous assertion that children from low income families live longer aside (the exact opposite has been proven, time and time again), health care for children has proven to be a phenomenal investment every place it's been implemented, although you have to think "long-term" instead of looking for immediate results.
Children with health care are sick less often.
Children who are sick less often lose less time from school and concentrate better when they're in class.
Students who concentrate well and aren't absent do better in school.
Students who do better in school are more likely to graduate and go on to college.
Graduates who become college educated get better jobs.
People with better jobs earn more money.
People who earn more money pay more taxes.
Higher overall tax revenues enable the government to provide more health care for more children.
Think of health care for children as a wise investment in the future of our country.
Personally I agree that children should have healthcare. I also think that the parents need to provide it for them. If a parent cant take care of their kids the state needs to give them to someone who can.
I suggest you check your facts before stating typical pop culture myths. The facts are in the United States (as well as the rest of the world) low income children DIE more often, they do no reach adulthood. Those that are the survivors do not live longer either. In statistical terms the level of income and education affects average life-span by up to 27 years, depending on what part of the charts you read. By the way Herbal medicine is still medicine...just as deadly in the wrong hands, and always has side-effects as well. Go and do some proper reasearch.
"its a proven fact that poor, or low income families children tend to live longer than ones that have the best of health care"?
Antibiotics work pretty well. Surgery works pretty well. Broken bones can be set. Chronic disease can be managed.
Let them have health care just in case they get seriously sick. But I agree what doctors aren't of much use. Whenever something goes wrong with someone or someone gets sick, everyone in America's like, Go to your doctor, Go to your therapist, Take drugs, Don't ask me what to do, go to your doctor and take drugs. Only drugs can save your life, so take drugs, become addicted to them and ruin your life. Go to your doctor and get chemo to kill your cancer cells, and kill the rest of your body, too. I can't help you because that's what I do, too - I take drugs. So stop waisting my time, go to your doctor and take drugs!
Every time there's a question on here about someone being sick, or someone hearing voices, or someone being mentally ill, there's bound to be someone that answers, "Go to your doctor", and nothing else. Even if it's something that obviously isn't serious, like back pain or something, people's only answer is, "Go to your doctor". I'm sick of it! I always try to give an answer that doesn't involve going to the doctor, cause I know some meditation stuff, and some home remedy stuff, too.
I don't agree with UHC, but the notion that kids don't need health care is ludicrous. There are plenty of illnesses and accidents to go around in childhood--and though there is a reasonable argument about mercury as a preservative vaccinations most certainly have altered the course of most children's lives for the better. It's hard to find an American doctor nowadays who can even recognize the measles which every doctor USED TO SEE plenty of cases of. Measles can lead to pneumonia and encephalitis, which are also serious issues, so the near eradication of that disease is a good thing.
I agree that there is too much pill pushing for kids--a lot of these things are fads and overdiagnosed. In other cases, it's untested (long term) medicine for things easily prevented (think Gardasil for one).
However, if your kid falls off the swings and hits his head you NEED insurance to not end up bankrupt and kids do that sort of thing, so YES, children do need health care. We just don't need government health care.
(See sensible plan here:鈥?/a>
Read the PDF, not the blurb, for the bulk of the plan. Book is searchable on
Cassandra Nathan's Save America, Save the World)
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