Monday, February 20, 2012

I cant afford child support, cost of living and health insurance.?

So first, i am single 24 yr old male living on my own and have a 4 year old daughter in which i pay child support for. I had recently got a new job as an electricians apprentice in the state of Massachusetts, trying to better myself, build a career, and make more money.I've been ending up in dead end jobs since graduating high school, until now.

I pay $456 a month for child support and i have no problem paying for my daughter. The $456 was based on my last jobs income and was taking home a pay of about $500 a week. I am now taking home $633 a week. So now my new job offers health insurance which is mandatory now in the state of Massachusetts, and was ordered to now provide health insurance for my daughter. Now on top of the $456 a month for child support and a very expensive health insurance plan of $965 dollars a month that leaves me with $278 a week for myself.

With this income it is absolutely impossible to pay my rent, (2 weeks late so far) utilities,groceries, car insurance which I'm paying for the lowest basic coverage, i own a 97 jetta that is in desperate need of repairs and with 170,000 miles on it. i owe $200 for tools that i bought to just get me started and need many more, it sucks when your foreman consistently tells you that you need to get more tools but you cant afford them. It is also mandatory for me to attend school in September, (which i cant afford) and i just got a letter from my employer today stating that if i'm not enrolled i will be dropped from the apprenticeship program.

I had gone down to the local probate court about 2 weeks ago to request a court hearing and still waiting on one. I have no idea what is gonna happen. Is the judge going to understand my situation? Is the judge going to help me? What can i do?

I know lowering the support wont do anything, i don't want it lowered. Lowering $114 isn't going to help me much or benefit my daughter. Its pretty much the health insurance that's killing me. My daughter was on Mass health.

I know this is a lot, and im pretty much spilling my guts to the world, but i wanted everyone to see all aspects of the situation and Im not here for people to feel bad for me, just for some help, input, advice anything can help at this point. ThanksI cant afford child support, cost of living and health insurance.?I would call social services and see if they have a program to help you with the medical insurance.

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