Thursday, February 16, 2012

Controversial issues related to children's health?

I need some help thinking of controversial issues relating to children's health that I could research for an essay. So far I am looking at controversy surrounding the MMR vaccination, but I would really appreciate suggestions of other topics I could discuss. Thanks!Controversial issues related to children's health?You could talk about "obligatory vaccinations". These don't currently exist in the UK but they do in other countries. In France for example diptheria, tetanus, and polio are obligatory vaccinations normally given at 2,3 and 4 months along with Hib (haemophilus influenzae B), whooping cough (pertussis), and pneumococcus. The whole idea of making a vaccination obligatory is quite controversial as it is quite a paternalistic act and could be considered to be impinging on people's freedom of choice.Controversial issues related to children's health?
How about the topic of children's vaccines allegedly causing autism? Children these days get about 45 more vaccines than children did 30 years ago. The autism rate has also significantly increased from about 1 in 300 to about 1 in 50 children since then. There are many controversial debates on this subject. There are also many other factors that people believe could cause autism, such as pollution, the toxic chemicals in plastic water bottles, food preservatives, and the pesticides used on fruits and vegetables. Good luck! : )Controversial issues related to children's health?How about the way breast feeding is described as 'the best' for the baby or 'optimum nourishment' etc (suggesting that bottle feeding must therefore be normal) instead of breast feeding being described as normal and bottle feeding being 'sub-optimum' nourishment etc. There is *tons* of information out there around this subject area and you could get a great essay out of it. There's the whole 'we mustn't make mothers feel guilty about their choices' argument too. Really interesting subject area.

Not sure if this would count as health, but the whole area of children and television is a lot more complex than you might guess. There's a fair bit of research linking TV viewing with reduced ability to concentrate right through to ADHD, for instance. But the media are never going to back up this fact because newspapers etc are all owned by companies that also own Tv stations. Bit of controversy there.

whether autism is a variation of normal that requires understanding or is a disorder that needs treating

Vaccinations in general rather than the MMR (which has probably been done to death)

That's all I can think of right nowControversial issues related to children's health?
There isn't much controversy over MMR! Virtually all health professionals know the vaccine is safe, it's just a media health scare - not scientifically founded.

What about doing an essay on the controversy on smears? The government changed the age for smears to 25 a few years ago and now women below that age are dying from cervical cancer as they can't get tested.Controversial issues related to children's health?Vaccinations are a huge issue. Not only in children but adults. I am sure if you google this you will have a wealth of Information. Or if you look at ADD, or ADHD or many other syndromes you will find controversy. Check out Anthrax Vaccine shots on the children of those who had the want to step into a pile of poo poo. Check it out.

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