I think the parents need to worry about the issue, rather than the child. After all, the parents are choosing the food in the house. The child can't buy anything the parent doesn't give him money for, up to a certain age.
If a child is very overweight, he needs to be helped, but in a way that won't make him feel freakish. Obviously, after a certain age, the child will know he is overweight, and feel bad about it. At some point, I wonder if this becomes a form of child abuse, or neglect at least. Worst thing I ever saw in this vein was a hugely overweight child, quite young, riding in a wagon while his slimmer brother walked, and eating a candy bar while clutching a two liter of pop. Lord help him.At what age is it appropriate for a child to worry about their weight and start counting calories?
im really under weight and i dont wanna get over weight, so i wanna stay this way so i stilll diet and count calories. i started when i was 12. counting calories, counting fat percentages, always looking at the fat in nutrituin facts before i eat. iam 5 foot 3 and i weigh 70 lbs
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At what age is it appropriate for a child to worry about their weight and start counting calories?nobody should be counting calories, no matter how old they are. Eat 3 sensible meals a day, 3 portions of whole grain and 5 of fruit and veg and take some exercise. Weighing scales should be banned from homes. You can tell if you're the right size or not just by looking at yourself in the mirror - weight is just a number.Common sense is sometimes totally overlooked in this crazy wacky world of commercialism and people trying to sell "diet" food. They didn't have diet food during the war and people were the healthiest they'd ever been. The reason? They had limited sweets and had to eat veggies grown in the garden and get out there and dig them up.
Sort of They should eat healthy and stay fit no matter what.But its unnecessary 2 count calories.At what age is it appropriate for a child to worry about their weight and start counting calories?I think it is appropriate for them to be aware of healthy food choices from any age, and to know the impact that their food and life style choices have on their health. However, worrying about their weight and counting calories is something slightly different, and I would hope that they would not need to reach this stage. I'm not sure that there is a particular age where this becomes appropriate...At what age is it appropriate for a child to worry about their weight and start counting calories?
I think that a "child" should never do that. You need to eat to develop properly so I would encourage all children out of it. Just be a kid while you can because there are plenty more years to worry about adult thing than there are to be "a child". So I guess my answer is absolutely no earlier than 18 and 21 seems a good start.
Its never too young. One's health is one's most important asset. Ad campaigns do little...."it won't happen to me..." It is up to the parents to educate children on healthy foods and set a good example.At what age is it appropriate for a child to worry about their weight and start counting calories?
My daughter is nine and a little overweight. We try never to make an issue of it, but I notice she is getting more and more conscious about it. She asked for more fruit in her packed lunch instead of a biscuit. She has joined a children's gym and loves it and is generally more careful about what she eats.
I must stress that all this is her own doing, although I do always provide a healthy option for her. I think she first started taking notice of herself after watching a programme about obese children...so in my daughters case the campaign against obesity has had a big impact.
I don't think it is a child's job to worry about calories and healthy eating, I think that job falls on the parents. If we don't teach our children how to eat properly and make healthy choices, then the obesity issue falls on us.
My oldest son (our youngest is bottle fed still) can be given several choices and he always goes for the fruits or veggies. He prefers grilled over fried, etc. We don't teach him that sugar is bad, just that it has to be limited. I actually allow him to have dessert every night 20-30 minutes after dinner (so he has a chance to fill up on what he's already eaten,) but I choose the portion and he isn't tempted beyond that.
Also, parents should encourage their children to be active, too much time is spent in front of the TV, computer and gaming consoles, this has more than 1 downfall. First off, they are sedantary and we all know lack of activity can cause weight issues. Secondly, their social skills with face to face contact are going to decline. I grew up where on the weekends, every kid in the neighborhood was out playing, not in watching TV, kids were thinner! The heavier kids, usually were the ones who stayed in all day!
As for recent campaigns, in some cases they can hurt more impressionable young girls. My niece who is rail thin (5'4" and 82 pounds) feels fat and thinks she needs to be on a diet all the time, she's 13. She is very physically active, always out running around with friends in the neighborhood and is on a competition dance team.
i think it's important for children to be treat-wise and aware about 5 a day, wholegrain, taking exercise etc, but calorie counting and weighing themselves is not something that they should be doing - I think this only serves to build eating disorders. I began to get very self-conscious about my eating habits / weight after we did a science project when I was 12 and everyone had to weigh themselves infront of the rest of the class. That wasn't the only factor, but I have struggled with food / weight / exercise / self image issues all my adult life so far.
It's not appropriate at any age. It's not the norm you know, just an indicator that the parents have failed to raise a happy healthy child.
10 years old and up but kids start couting them when they learn about them way normal
If they are fat, then any age. If they are normal, they shouldnt worry. If they are on their way to being fat, then they should start counting. There is no particulare age.
Children don't really start worrying about their wait until puberty when they begin to compare themselves to others. Recent campaigns are actually helping obese kids.
It's NEVER appropriate for ANY child to worry about weight or to count calories. It's up to parents to provide healthy, nutritious food, and NOT to feed their kids on crisps, McDonald's, sweets, etc.
Children (and adults) should be encouraged to do more sports. Fun days such as paintballing should also be made a lot cheaper to allow people to be able to afford it.
If exercise was cheap (or free) and fun then most people would do it.
It's never good for anyone to be counting calories because it's too restrictive on your life. You think you are fat and this makes you depressed.
A child (or adult) should not worry about their weight. Scales should be thrown away. Instead people should want to stay fit and be able to run without getting out of breath.
Encouraging people to count calories empthasises their weight but doesn't off a good solution.
I don't think children should ever "diet" or "count calories". I think the parents can do it (if their not lazy) by promoting a healthy lifestyle to the child instead of making it about weight.
Our daughter is 13 and has always been outside the "norm". I changed our eating habits when she was about 5 (no pre-sweetened cereals, lots of fresh fruits %26amp; veggies, no fast food, no fried foods, extra lean meat, no potato chips in the house, no soda...etc). She still does not measure in the "norm" but I am comfortable with it because I know the amount of exercise she gets and the type of food she eats. She is healthy, and that is what is important.
In today's day %26amp; age, you have to be real careful with body image of children because of the societal expectations and eating disorders. I try to teach my daughter that everything is ok in moderation.
Its the parents responsibility from a young age - if the eat proper foods and exercises they wont be over weight. My grandson is almost 10 and was skinny as a child but when he reached about 7 he started to get boobs and beer belly but doctor said it was hormones and not to worry.?
I don`t think children should count calories. They should be given healthy foods, and have a clear understanding of food, exercise, and other lifestyle choices which impact on their health, rather than copying unhelpful behaviors (calorie counting, etc) of the increasingly obese adult population.
Its from strating only the weight should be according to height. +or -2Kg is ok
I think once they start choosing their own meals, they should be aware of healthy eating habits. They don't necessarily need to know the ins and outs of counting calories etc until they are teenagers (when they should learn about it in biology anyway) unless they are already overweight.
they shouldnt
This depends, does this child's family have a history with weight issues? What about beliemia(sp?) Anerexia? What about eating disorders? This question is too breif. Assuming none of the above, way later in life. A normal child's body should take care of itself.
i think 18 when ur almost fully developed, but i think weight should always be an issue at any age u dont want to have children who are overweight at a very young age, coz they might develope breathing problems and other illneses like high blood pressure of high sugar level.
I feel very strongly about this subject as I was a chubby child and had suffered very badly from bulimia in my early twenties. I come from a family of slim people and ate the same diet but just seemed to have 'issues' with food. I now have a 7 year old daughter who is very slim and doesn't seem to have a great interest in food! They have covered 'healthy eating' at school and she seems to have a good balanced knowledge of what is good for you and what should be eaten in moderation, without labelling things 'good food' and 'bad food'. I don't ban anything at home - I try and instill an 'everything in moderation' ethic and she knows that a balanced diet is what her body needs as fuel to keep running healthily. I don't think any child should be counting calories - they should be more concerned with feeling healthy in their bodies and minds.
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