Thursday, February 16, 2012

Are you full time employed, if so do your children have health insurance?

If not, what is your opinion of Congress and Hussein's plans to extend the SCHIP coverage to 6 million kids who's parents are in this country on work permits?

I don't mean to be mean. But America needs to wake up. Our own citizens are going without, but congress can spend billions to pay for the neighbor's kids, but allow our own to go without.

Is that the change you expected?Are you full time employed, if so do your children have health insurance?As long as there is one uninsured citizen, no free loader should be in line.Are you full time employed, if so do your children have health insurance?
I dont have childrenAre you full time employed, if so do your children have health insurance?How much insurance would that 400 million that Pelosi and Obama are sending to third world countries to fund abortions, pay for here in the U.S.? and Yes,my family and I have health insurance. I pay for it every month...
I shake my head in disbelief when I think of the massive mistake America made on Nov. 4, 2008.Are you full time employed, if so do your children have health insurance?full time worker, no children

I think it is great that the schip is being extended to ALL children; its not their fault that their parents only have work permits. if they chose to abort the kids while they were a mere fetuses, you would've whined about that tooAre you full time employed, if so do your children have health insurance?
I have had complete insurance since I was 21 years old. I choose to work for a company that offered it to everyone. I get pretty upset when anyone wants to give anything away to people who are here on a work permit. And don't even get me started on all the illegals here. They should get zip, zero, nothing, except a free buss ride back.
I agree with you. Yes, I have always had insurance and so has my daughter. I chose jobs based on salary, chance of advancement, and benefits. I would never choose a job where I didn't have coverage. With that in mind, I also obtained an education to allow me to choose those jobs.

I think we have a moral obligation to assist those who can't work. The sick and the elderly. Then also those who face some rough times and need a helping hand to get back on their feet. But we can't support half of the population. And that is what is happening. Forty percent of Americans don't pay taxes. It is quickly becoming 50%. One half of the people will be supporting the other half. Is this what we want???Are you full time employed, if so do your children have health insurance?
"what is your opinion of Congress and Hussein's plans to extend the SCHIP coverage to 6 million kids who's parents are in this country on work permits?"

Another ignorant decision made by a group of incompetents. It's enough that I have to pay for my own families insurance, I shouldn't have to pay for someone elses.
We went from melting pot to garbage bag of the world.

IMO - The only way to keep this country from hemorrhaging itself into complete destruction is to:

1. Close the borders (even temporarily) to new citizens.

2. Get rid of the millions who are here illegally.

3. Force those on welfare who are able, to actually work - if the labor jobs were filled there would be no incentive for illegals to come

Until we get rid of the people who shouldn't be here but are stealing BILLIONS of dollars each year for their support AND stop new people from coming in until a more thorough system of checks can be put into place...we will continue to be the garbage bag of the world.
My children have insurance. But its funny people usually have habits of making bad decisions. Poor people obviously make bad decisions due to lack of education, so it was inevitable the vote 4 Obie to create change was gonna bite people in the glutes considering no one can make me get outta bed and go to work, or look for a job, or go to school, or praise God, or take care of my family I dont think Obama in office is gonna change my drive. Soooo if youre lookin 4 change look in the mirror.
Great example of the lack of compassion from the far right . . conservatives are cold and uncaring. I fully support making sure that no child suffers from lack of medical care . . our kids or any child. And since I've actually lost a child from a failed health care system . . I applaud any move to fix this rotten health care system we have in this country. (We are fully insured and it still wasn't enough . . insurance is horrifically inadequate in this country, but you won't find that out until you need it).
America was created on immigrants and people who came over here to find a better life. As long as Obama continues look at the best interest of all Americans as well as all of humanity (if possible) then why not. We are not the only people in this world and should have compassion and help all people on this earth. but, at the same time, I feel we do need to look after ourselves just as well if not better than we do others. You can't help others without helping yourself first. I'm sure if I actually took the time to look into this particular issue further (Health care) I would find plans Obama has for American citizens as well. He is looking after America but he isn't forgetting about the rest of the world either.

Did you notice the "change" that the Bush administration brought about? He handed a dying country over to Obama. Let's give Obama the chance to help bring us back and at the same time if we are able let's try to help others as well.
Full-time...No children, great benefits and perks as well. Guess what? We are still hiring! Go figure! Ph.D required.
I work full-time, and if I had children they would be covered under my insurance policy.

If you can't support a government that wants to give health care to all the children living within its borders, what can you support? This just seems like a no-brainer to me.

There are some really selfish people on here today. You should be proud to have a government that wants to protect the health of children.
If people would actually do the research on what the Obama team is saying about the 50 million with no health insurance they would find out what groups they actually are:

10 million illegal immigrants

15 million people who are eligible for Medicaid but don't apply

15 million adults whose children are eligible for free insurance

And about 10 million childless adults
Yes. Of course, I'm not living in America.

Should have taken care of your own when you had the chance. Not caring about anyone leaves no one caring about you.
No, we are recently retired and our children are grown and have families of their own.

I am against covering illegals, but if these children were born in the US they are American citizens. I think it is good to cover all American children.

It is a shame, I worked with people who were here on work permits who didn't ever bother to sign up for insurance for themselves or their children because there are many free clinics from them.

I will wait to actually see what this is all about before I bash Obama and Congress.

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